Bloot & Hat for Spring

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Start the Friggin’ SPRING Sale

Pay in full for any boat between now and MAY 2 and get:  A FREE SPARE PADDLE AND A PAIR OF SUNGLASSES  (somewhere in the future you will wanna wear shades)

Summer Paddling Is Just ‘Round the Bend (this is where I’ve gone if you can’t find me)

There are so many ways you can paddle this summer. Give us a call and we’ll get you started (705-342-5324) Check out for a complete list of lessons, courses, day trips and multi-day camping and paddling adventures for all ages.

Polar Nights and Days, May 15

Join Parry Sounder, photographer and polar guide Brian Beitz for an evening exploring the ends of the earth. Polar bear encounters, penguins and sleeping in tents at the end of the earth are all part of the show with donations going to the Georgian Bay Outer Islands Cleanup fund. Canadore College Parry Sound, doors open at 6:30 – show at 7pm. Hope you can come!

Level 2 Sea Kayak Instructor May 9-13

An advanced national cert taught by David Johnston & Greg Mason, two of the best in the country. This course is one of only a handful taught in Canada this year and there are two spots left – Interested? Call pdq as time is short.

Level 2 Sea Kayak Skills May 30-June 3

We have 3 spots available but again, time is short – give us a shout. Headed up by Tim

Dyer, Sarah Creasor and Claire Henry, you might not know what hit you, so sign up and find out!

Great Lakes Sea Kayak Rendezvous – June 23 – Oak Point, Parry Sound

Seeking kindred spirits? Join this incredible weekend and find lots of them by joining GLSKA. White Squall will be there helping to teach and coach a fun and full weekend of paddling. They are great folks who welcome new members any time. For more info, check out:

Franklin Challenge – Sunday, June 24

A furiously fun summer Sunday paddling challenge. Our second annual circumnavigation of Franklin Island, the jewel of the Georgian Bay Coast. Get your paddling buddies together and join us. Not a race, nor a walk in the park. Canoes, SUPS and kayaks all welcome and all proceeds going to help clean up Franklin and surrounding islands. The whole shootin’ match is 20k and we have a shorter 8k route if you’ve been partying the night before. For more info check out:

Credit: Peter Istvan Photography


New Gear & Clothing

Both our Paddling Centre Store and Town Shop are full to the gunnels with stuff to get you outside in the summer breeze – put a little jasmine in your mind.. ok, no googling, e-mail me what song/group that comes from and we’ll put your name in a hat for Squall T-Shirt! Or maybe in a shirt for a hat? And why is it they don’t write songs like that anymore?

Speaking of Gear – Here are some things we sell that I get all teary-eyed about!

Handbook of Safety and Rescue – by Doug Alderson and Mike Pardy

A required text for White Squall Instructor and Level 3 courses simply because it’s so good. Not in print anymore, we’ve brought some in just because I really don’t want to see that book disappear. Read and understand this Canadian gem and you will be a better sea kayaker.

Gear Lab Carbon Greenland Paddles

We have a ton of them and are selling a ton – well I’m a wee hyperbolic but they are finely made, strong and simply beautiful. We will have them here for you to try on the lake. There isn’t a better way to practice rolling than using one of these, so over you go!

Bothy Bags

A bothy is a place of refuge from the elements and these bags have proven themselves on the coldest, windswept and wet shores of the Bay. One goes with every Squall trip for good reason.

Tim’s Tip

The solo forward sweep stroke, regardless of whether in a canoe, sup or kayak – can waste time and energy if you don’t do it right. The key is to insert the blade as far forward and as close to the boat as you can, without leaning forward too much. Here’s where we screw up. Many of us just start pulling back in a half-assed arc, not only causing the boat to move forward but also it doesn’t turn very well at all. But if you stop and think for a minute, grade 8 physics tells us to apply the force by pushing AWAY from the hull first. That initial shove does wonders for turning the hull. Now you can combine that initial action with a lovely sweep back, again as far away from the hull as you can. There’s often no need to make it a long stroke – pull out at your hips and throw in another. Short, effective sweeps and so much prettier to watch and to feel, and they don’t take a lot of effort. I haven’t mentioned how edging plays into this, nor your arm/upper/lower body position – but if you are seriously curious, throw me an e-mail so I know somebody cares – and I’ll send along a longer rant. ([email protected])

Know someone who might like this stuff? Send them our way and we will put your name in for another pair of darn tough socks. You’ll never be holey again…