Rentals & Fall ExploringThe beauty and magic of fall paddling is here, and we’re ready and able to provide you with kayaks and canoes for a last adventure. Please give us a call (705) 203-2955 or [email protected] We can help with suggestions about safe fall paddling, where to go and what to wear! Paddling Centre Crazy Raffle […]
Happiest of Days Hoot
Thanksgiving EveSome things never grow old, here is my cheer to a song that keeps me going when it seems the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Hope you can sit back, close your eyes and dream… The Squall Paddling Centre Lives OnWe’ll be here 7 days a week including Turkey Monday, and […]
Late Summer Dreamtime Hoot
Late Summer Dreamtime Not sure why, but other than some well worn camps on Franklin Isle, the outer islands have been pretty lonesome this year. Tim’s not complaining, and now the Ex in Toronto is filling everyone with saturated fats in all colours, things are even quieter! The water is warm, a gentle breeze beckons, […]
Life Goes On Hoot
A short hoot to wet your whistle on a hot July day… Franklin Challenge Done & Dusted! 100 bleary-eyed but eager paddlers showed up early on a Sunday morn, June 25th for the annual Franklin Challenge. A 20km romp around the outside of Franklin, in support of the Outer Island Fund of the Georgian Bay […]
Take Your Breathe Away Hoot May 2023
A Shout to Paddlers & Campers Everywhere We just returned from a few glorious days paddling in Algonquin. We needed forest recovery; the balm of sparkling lakes, fresh trout, cold beer and woodsmoke in our eyes. Makes me understand why there is an Algonquin Park sign on the 401. A national treasure in the backyard […]
Spring is in the Air Hoot
Spring is in the Air Hoot ‘Spring is in the air’ – truly. We just heard the first woodcocks chirping over the swamp – leading to the obvious question – what on earth do the poor things eat? There’s no bugs that we can see flying about. The situation is sort of like a country […]
Winter Sails Over the Horizon Hoot
Cole Lake Location Opens April 1 Yup, the old paddling centre is stuffed to the gunnels with gear and boats, and we’ll be turning on the heat to start up on that most foolish of days. We’re usually open 9-5, 7 days a week but do appreciate you calling (705-203-2955) or setting up […]
A Mid-Winter Hoot & Holler
Boat & Sport Show Dreams Wandering the hallways of big city boat & sport shows is a fine late-winter thing to do. Wafts of hot popcorn with make-believe butter, bright lights and shiny new boats with new things ’round every corner. A getaway from everyday life, stealing time to just walk and wander. In your […]
Far Reach Round the Sun Hoot
A Hoot and Holler as we round the far reach of our romp ’round the sun on this wild carousel of life! Winter Sales Our town shop at 19 James has deals galore as we keep the lights on through a dark winter. Every time you shop, we give you Squaller Dollars – a […]
One Last Little Ho Ho Hoot for 2022
Hi Folks Just had to have one last kick at the Christmas can. In the honour of underwear and making it brief, please hang on to your shorts and hope these thoughts are top drawer. If not, just giddyup and gird your loins, like a backwoods logger heading out the cabin on a frosty morn. Cute […]
November Squall Hoot
Hi Everyone Quick update – thanks for listening, hang onto your shorts and away we go! Outer Island Poopy Project The thunderbox season is in the hole for another year:) We happily dug a lot this summer – and I say ‘happily’ as any day on the Bay is a fine one. Things are moving […]
Thanksgiving Eve
Hi ho, hi ho. The path around the sun brings reflection both on the water and in our hearts. Reflections are a dazzling union of declining rays and still waters. Kathy and I were lucky to paddle in Quetico with our family recently and here is what danced in front of us as we paddled along… I find […]