White Squall Outdoor Store
Your Friendly Little Store for the Big Outdoors
19 James Street
Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada P2A 1T4
P: 705-746-4936
Hours – Monday to Saturday 9:30am – 5:30pm
White Squall Outdoor Store is bursting with quality outdoor gear, active & casual wear for men and women, hiking footwear, accessories like hats & mitts, and all sort of unique gadgets. We use all the gear we stock, so we know it’s great quality. Located in the heart of downtown Parry Sound.
White Squall Paddling Centre
Still Paddling after 40 years
53 East Carling Bay Road`
Nobel, Ontario, Canada P0G 1G0
P: 705-203-2955
White Squall Paddling Centre Open by Appointment now ’til Springtime
Give us a shout before you c’mon out!
[email protected]. 705-203-2955
White Squall Paddling Centre sells and rents kayaks, canoes, paddleboards and all the gear that might be needed to enhance the sport of paddling. We offer free on site test paddling, as well as lessons (when arranged in advance).