Hoot & Blathers for February

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Hello winter people. Spring’s just around the next snowdrift – hang on to your shorts and shovel, grab yer paddle in the other hand– a totally Canadian move! Lots to tell so Stay Calm, Be Brave, Wait for the Signs…

Paddling Film Festival, GlobalMedic & Kayak Giveaway March 23

The Squall Paddling Film Festival is roaring to the Stockey Centre in Parry Sound (stockeycentre.com). Happy Hour 5:30, Films at 7. Don’t miss the Silent Auction for GlobalMedic (globalmedic.ca) GM is Canada’s Conscience – a band of volunteer paramedics deploying around the globe for disaster relief. If you have a treasure you can donate or a service, please let us know – we’ll take anything! Big news is White Squall and Delta Kayaks are giving away a whole boat that night. Throw your name in the pot for a suggested donation of $20. Want to start throwing? Check it out at our Town Shop~19 James St.

Level 1 Sea Kayak Skills ~ May 31 eve – June 2 or July 12 eve – July 14

A strong foundation in sea kayak skills taught both at our centre and out on Georgian Bay. Learn on-water navigation, risk management, re-entries, stroke development, route planning and leadership. You’ll be having so much fun you may forget it’s a course!

Level 2 Sea Kayak Skills June 9 eve – 13

You have solid sea kayak skills and it’s time to get to the next level. This course focusses on developing power in strokes and edging. Other topics include rolling, towing, navigation, leadership and incident management. 

Level 1 Sea Kayak Instructor July 9-12

Claire Henry is the director and one of the best I’ve ever taught with – serious. You’ll want Level 2 skills and a passion for teaching!

Level 2 Sea Kayak Instructor May 16-20

A rare opportunity to work with Greg Mason and David Johnston, two senior instructor trainers with Paddle Canada. This challenging upper level course is based out of an island cottage – paddle long and hard with a cozy cabin to come home to each night!

Sweetwater Sea Kayak Expedition Aug. 5-12

A trip of a lifetime! 8 days paddling the northeast coast of Georgian Bay with two of our top instructor guides. It’s open to teens with paddling/camping experience who are looking to ramp it up and experience some of the world’s best paddling waters. http://www.whitesquall.com/trip/teen-sweetwater-expedition/

Yoga and the Lakes and Hills of Killarney

We’re happy to tell you of a new program from past Squallion Meagan Walker: 

Come explore the wildly beautiful Killarney landscapes that inspired the famous Group of Seven, and recalibrate your inner compass on a 4-day women’s retreat to Ontario’s own blue-water paradise! We take care of the logistics, so you can easily immerse yourself in the restorative vibes of the area with yoga, hiking, paddling, self-care workshops, and more. All levels of skill & experience welcome.

Visit ResilienceInMotion.ca/retreats for more information, and to register. (10% of profits go to Friends of Killarney Park, and their mission of sustainable park use.)

Ontario’s Best Fix It Guys

Nope not us folks. We’re fast and furious, strong but not cute – if you want it done right, here are two guys we’ve dealt with over many years and can heartily recommend:

Johnny’s Boat Shop – johnnysboatshop.com John Gall has patched together boats I’ve cried in my teacup over and finally given up on. He’s a magician. 705-783-7141

Jamie Dors – paddlesportsrepairs.com Jamie does all sorts of repairs, including plastic welding! We’ve relied on him for bombproof drysuit fixes. 519-836-5920

Squall Staff News

We are excited to announce that Kevin McMurray, Julia Shannon and Jazzy Mansfield have all signed on for this season. Senior guide and assistant manager Claire Henry recently completed the requirements for Level 1 Instructor Trainer with Paddle Canada. There are few sea kayak instructors in Canada with that certification – pretty cool.

Tim’s Tip

My tip is to always read to the bottom of a newsletter, or an exam, or even a love letter? You just never know what the darned thing is going to say. In this case you could win one of several pairs of Smartwool or Darn Tough socks! All you gotta do is re-read the opening paragraph – and without allowing your brain to waste away using google, tell us what past CBC radio show the last sentence in that paragraph is from. 

You’re not calm? You’re not brave? And you really could care squat about waiting for signs? Ok, Ok – hit reply and put “time’s up timbo” and we’ll off your name from this blather.

And so, I leave you with James Taylor and Bonny Raitt:
