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Hoot Out For SPRING
Oh MY GOSH – We’re Open! Quick, Turn on the LIGHTS
Yessireebobdangeorge, the Squall is setting out for our 34th year! We are full-on, 9-5:30 7-days a Week except Good Friday. We have new boards, kayaks and canoes with more coming so our CBO (Carling Boat Orphanage) will just have to squeeze tighter on the racks and welcome these new recruits. C’mon out and say hi this weekend – our boats are lonely after a crazy long winter and need to talk to someone….anyone!
Our Film Fest, Silent Auction and Kayak Giveaway
What a night! Over 250 people showed up for films, frivolity, baking, beer and popcorn. Thanks to all of you for your support of GlobalMedic ( . They are working as I type on the disaster in southeastern Africa. The total is at least $6500 and we won’t know exactly til all the receipts come in, but I’m guessing over $8000! The film “Junk Paddle” won hands down as the crowd favourite. Curious that a ‘do it yerself’ film beat out the rock’em, sock’em waterfall films. Plus the Delta giveaway went to a local gal – Ellen Brady! There are too many to thank, but please know none of this could happen without a community of people who care.
Tons of Trips and Courses
We have a lot going on and are excited to share it with you! We have paddling for families, kids, teens and adults. There is nothing finer than floating on our lake, looking up at the sky and realizing you are alive, in the backwoods of Canada with people who care. Check out:
Here is just a sampling:
Girls Weekend Getaways – June 7-9 and June 14-16
A sellout last year so away we go again. Imagine a cozy B&B coupled with a Friday night Gin Smash/Trestle Beer social, then waking up to a delicious breakfast followed by a quiet day of guided kayak exploring and a yummy shore lunch. And then – enjoy a Group of 7 painting workshop with Jessica Vergeer to finish off your day. Sunday is a day to eat well, tour a local apiary and an optional tour of our local brewery and self-guided bike tour. It’s a full and fun weekend and we hope you can come!
Youth Sweeeeetwater Sea Kayak Expedition Aug. 6-12
I’ve said it many times before – but this is truly a trip of a lifetime. For teens willing to give 100% to paddle, swim, eat and repeat in the most spectacular islands and sparkling waters from Killarney to Parry Sound.
Level 1 Sea Kayak Instructor July 9-12
This Paddle Canada course provides you with the skills and knowledge to teach a national curriculum. It’s fun, challenging – and taught by Claire Henry – one of our top instructors!
Tim’s Tip
Have you ever tried your aged cheddar cheese on trip to fix a split in a boat? Well I have sports fans – and it works! You have to be desperate, which I often am when things go wrong – and willing to give up a wee bit of your trip food. Dry the crack – knead the cheese – then work it into the crack like putty. Now you have to let it congeal in the cold water and wham bam – you’re leakproof! The only drawback is if you have a hungry mouse nearby, you may need to re-apply!
Had enough cheesy tips for one lifetime? Just hit reply and put “let her sink tim” and I’ll put you out of your misery real quick.
Think I’m nuts? Well at least you read to the end of this newsletter so fire back with a better tip and we’ll put your name in the draw for more socks! It’s a worn and holey world out there kids and you need to keep your toes warm and your cracks filled.