One Last Little Ho Ho Hoot for 2022

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Hi Folks

Just had to have one last kick at the Christmas can. In the honour of underwear and making it brief, please hang on to your shorts and hope these thoughts are top drawer. If not, just giddyup and gird your loins, like a backwoods logger heading out the cabin on a frosty morn.

Cute & Cozy Underwear

Our Squall Outdoor Shop (19 James St, Parry Sound) has become known as the long undies capital of lower James St. Well in our minds anyway…but we do have the right woollies to keep you warm this Parry Sound winter. And they’re not the scratchy Stanfield’s grand-dad used to wear – think comfortable, soft and darn spiffy!

Storm Cag

The one thing I puts in me pack, even before tea bags. Built by Kokatat, this is a deceptively simple piece of storm gear, a tad pricey but worth every penny cause they last for years. Mine is 10 years old and still truckin’. A poncho to the untrained eye…these cags (short for cagoule) are made to be thrown over someone right quick – whether in a wave-tossed kayak, or sitting on cold rock feeling chilly and losing heat fast. They’ll secure around any cockpit and are tough, waterproof breathable fabric with hand-warming pockets that work! Perfect tripping gear, easy to stow and ready to go faster than you can say as you peer at the gathering clouds… ‘oh no, this isn’t good…’ Guess I like these a lot so here’s my personal guarantee – Don’t see the magic? Bring it back for full refund. Best part – it’s the kind of thing outdoor folk dream of owning, but sometimes shy away cause of cost. You could cheer up that wild person in your life by surprising them at Christmas, they’re one size so makes it easy!

Advanced Elements Kayaks

The world of inflatable boats is chock full of choices. But AE is one of the best, and we’re happy we can get them more easily as they are now being stocked in Canada. Have a look:

We’re stocking some and can order in – so for that person in your life that always floats your boat – here’s a way you can give back! Our full kayak inventory:

Odds & Sods

Our little shop is bursting with Petzl headlamps, carabiners, tents, sleeping bags paddle leashes, ski gloves, travel games, Kavu print fleece bags, kicksleds, black cherry canoe paddles, carbon greenland paddles, paddling tow harnesses, camping cutlery, freeze-dried meals, Bogs and Keen boots, the latest Therma rests, Msr stoves, adventure maps, water filters and on she goes…all the way to the easiest gift, a Squall gift card e-mailed straight to your screen if at lightning speed.



Canadian Built Snowshoes


The Squall has traded yarns with this company (GV) for donkey years and their products keep getting lighter and stronger. We put them through their paces every winter in the backwoods and they ‘take a licking, keeps on ticking’. Tell me where that came from (no googling) and we’ll put your name in my favourite scratchy wool toque for a draw on a pair of these puppies, just in time for a damn good blizzard where the streets shut down and there’s no other way to get out for a coffee. This is the part of the Hoot where you might win just for suffering through to the end…And since it’s Christmas with winter coming, we decided to blow the budget.

Thanks for supporting us through thick and thin. Kathy and I feel very lucky to have an amazing staff who are also good friends, keeping the good ship Squallipop heading straight and true. But it would all be for naught if we didn’t have you faithful folk who encourage us to carry this local, off-line and off-the-wall caper going. So thanks and may winter winds blow you gently hither and yon.

Peace and cookies – tim

ps-I promised our year end outer island report so here it is:

Had enough? hit reply and put “take a long hike over a short cliff numbskull” and I’ll get my boots on right quick, head outside without a hat to numb my skull!