Paddling People Hoot

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Hello Paddling People

Kathy, Charly and I are still in a fog about our decision to close the Paddling Centre. But as the months go by, it’s all starting to feel quite right. The kicker will be in April when we would normally see cars driving into the parking lot with the first visitors of spring. Considering I have now put horses (the wooden kind) across the entrance, there is little chance we’ll see any cars or people! But we didn’t want to ride into the sunset with nary a farewell, so will still get up to a few things this coming year – I’ve listed them below!  Of course the Town Shop, bursting with gear, will carry forth.

International Paddling Film Festival March 21 – Stockey Centre, Parry Sound

Funky films with bountiful beer and poofy popcorn topped off by Jan and Colleen’s incredible coffee and baking table. Oh yeah – and the ever wild silent auction – all in support of Global Medic (, Canada’s leading disaster response group and our conscience on the world stage. You can get tickets at:

Wilderness First Aid

My rant about WFA is that you can’t get enough of these courses – especially if you have any thoughts about working or playing outside (which means most of us!) I have taken a bzillion of them and am always amazed at the new things to learn, and all the old stuff that I just plain forgot. We ask Wilderness Medical Associates – an industry leader, to come and provide these courses and I’ll bet you a dozen donuts you will get a lot out of taking one. Okay, so have a look at: and if you have any questions – let ’em rip – [email protected].

Franklin Challenge Saturday, June 20

We hope you can join us for this amazingly fun paddle around Franklin Island with kindred spirits. Not a walk in the park, but most folks can handle it – and best is you can take as long as you want cause she ain’t a race kids. There is also a shorter route if you don’t want to be all rambunctious and silly about it. All in support of the Georgian Bay Biosphere’s Outer Island Stewardship Fund – you can get all the details here.

Summer Rentals

We don’t know who might be offering rentals this summer. Once we know, we’ll let you know through the Hoot newsletter and our website. Also, if you’re looking for boats for a summer trip – let us know and we’ll pass that interest on.

Boat Sales

We are whittling down our boat pile but still have a good bunch waiting for a nicer home. If there is one you would like to see, fire an e-mail to [email protected] and we can arrange to be here to show it to you. See:

Tim’s Tip

Unless you find one that fits well, a deep dish yoke can sometimes dig painfully into your shoulders right in the middle of a long carry. At that point, I’m about ready to throw the damned canoe off and lie in the mud and cry. But there is a better way. Try using a tumpline tied to the centre thwart with two paddles lashed loosely so the blades sit on your shoulders. The tumpline takes the weight forward as you lean into it, and then you can back off and let the weight settle a bit further back – allowing you to use new muscles. By toggling back and forth, you can go a fair way before getting mad at the bugs and the world. And with the blades lashed, you can also shift the canoe weight from side to side – and that will gain you even more distance. My problem is I don’t get to do this often because I usually forget to bring a tump line, so that would be my first tip – don’t forget the tump!

Thanks for listening and may your canoe not make you mad! tim

PS-our town shop is open 7 days a week in Parry Hoot at 19 James St. So the Squall still lives on in town.:). [email protected]. 705-746-4936.

Town Shop

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