Post Script
I try not to be partisan with the hoot, but right now I feel I have to. I am profoundly dismayed with the trajectory of our provincial health system – the headlong rush to encourage private care further into public space. If you put aside for a minute all the research showing costs rise and care sinks when you privatize, just look at nursing for a moment. We have agency nurses getting paid twice as much as public nurses for the same responsibility. It’s just wrong. Solutions are complex, but starts with resourcing public care so practitioners don’t feel worn out and jump to the private sector for better pay and less hours.
The proclamation that Ontario residents will never pay for health care with a credit card is again willfully wrong – we are paying big time and costs are rapidly increasing. All to say that there is a provincial-wide effort this month to tell our government to stop. It’s called the Ontario Health Coalition: There is a time-sensitive referendum that you can view here: If you don’t like what’s happening, please add your voice – don’t put it off, get ‘er done right now – will only take about 30 seconds.
Thanks for listening – and if you aren’t happy with tim ranting, just say and we’ll get your name off the list pdq. Thanks for listening…tim |